Sep 29, 11:08 AM
So THAT'S what this house is! No wonder why there were no windows diagrammed in the blueprints!
In that case, the only thing a robber needs to do to get into the iHouse is jailbreak the security system :D
LOL........I love this thread!
:D Jailbreak the iHouse:cool:
In that case, the only thing a robber needs to do to get into the iHouse is jailbreak the security system :D
LOL........I love this thread!
:D Jailbreak the iHouse:cool:

Oct 20, 08:15 AM
As long as Sony will use MPEG2 for their blu-ray release, they will fail. The first BD50 release was done last week (Click) and the PQ is still subpar compare to HD-DVD. THere is no excuse for such a poor release.
Sep 25, 11:24 AM
You are kidding right? There's a whole guide on "next Tuesday" right here on MR.I was worried I'd have to make one.
Oct 13, 08:19 PM
Just noticed something at work (large retailer). The iPod case is unusually empty of iPod videos. We may have 15 total when the case usual has 50-100. The iPod Nanos on the other hand are completely stocked full. Usually this only happens when Apple is going to release a new version and stops sending the store product. I know it sounds weird because they just upgraded the 5G but it was a very insignificant update. Just thought I'd add that to the rumor mill.
Sep 25, 11:46 AM
...well...I've been using Aperture 1.1 with 765k+ images on a 24" 800mhz G3 and it really rocks!...
I'm assuming you slipped and meant to type 20"...right?
Geez... musta been having a wet dream when i typed that LOL
Yes it is 20" and i use every bit of it heehee
I'm assuming you slipped and meant to type 20"...right?
Geez... musta been having a wet dream when i typed that LOL
Yes it is 20" and i use every bit of it heehee
Jan 11, 08:31 AM
New displays with integrated cams.
iPhone/iPodTouch that also functions as a Bluetooth Multitouch Mouse.
Leopard update.
30" iMac.
At least one new application.
iPhone/iPodTouch that also functions as a Bluetooth Multitouch Mouse.
Leopard update.
30" iMac.
At least one new application.

Oct 29, 09:35 AM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)
Apple appears to have pulled the publicly accessible Mac OS 10.4.8 Source Code (Darwin, the open-source foundation of OS X, and XNU, Darwin's open-source kernel), leaving only developers with ADC log-ins with access to the code (public link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/), ADC link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/apsl/))
10.4.8 sources have never been available via the Darwin Releases (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/) page (just never linked to the web-page). They have been available via macosforge.org (http://kernel.macosforge.org/intel-build-instructions.html) (links to tarballs on Apple's site) which has been mostly offline and under-construction for the last month and they have been available via the tarball link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/apsl/) (10.4.8 Intel is xnu-792.13.8 (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/apsl/xnu-792.13.8.tar.gz)).
Also the "ADC link" referenced for the tarballs is not an ADC account but the standard free open source account that anyone can create. The only requirement is that you read and agree to the open source license. You do not need any type of ADC account, no select or premier, no seed key, just a free Apple ID (create one if you need it) and click that you understand that the APSL exists. This is the same account that you need to gain access to any of Apple's open source items (been this way for years).
The articles premise is bogus, it is making a false statement about something that did NOT happen.
I strongly urge that this article be corrected since it is not true and will only serve as FUD material....
Apple appears to have pulled the publicly accessible Mac OS 10.4.8 Source Code (Darwin, the open-source foundation of OS X, and XNU, Darwin's open-source kernel), leaving only developers with ADC log-ins with access to the code (public link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/), ADC link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/apsl/))
10.4.8 sources have never been available via the Darwin Releases (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/) page (just never linked to the web-page). They have been available via macosforge.org (http://kernel.macosforge.org/intel-build-instructions.html) (links to tarballs on Apple's site) which has been mostly offline and under-construction for the last month and they have been available via the tarball link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/apsl/) (10.4.8 Intel is xnu-792.13.8 (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/apsl/xnu-792.13.8.tar.gz)).
Also the "ADC link" referenced for the tarballs is not an ADC account but the standard free open source account that anyone can create. The only requirement is that you read and agree to the open source license. You do not need any type of ADC account, no select or premier, no seed key, just a free Apple ID (create one if you need it) and click that you understand that the APSL exists. This is the same account that you need to gain access to any of Apple's open source items (been this way for years).
The articles premise is bogus, it is making a false statement about something that did NOT happen.
I strongly urge that this article be corrected since it is not true and will only serve as FUD material....
Apr 11, 08:05 PM
Finally got the iPhone 4, 32GB to replace my Droid. Loving it so far.
Got a car charger for it
And a screen protector
Also got "Tomb Raider Trilogy" for PS3
Britney's new album, "Femme Fatale"
And Shaw McDonald's new album, "Closer"
Got a car charger for it
And a screen protector
Also got "Tomb Raider Trilogy" for PS3
Britney's new album, "Femme Fatale"
And Shaw McDonald's new album, "Closer"
Jan 9, 06:06 PM
i expect a new iphone(yes i do).the current iphone i think sucks i rather buy a nokia/sony ericson.
a new mbp.ore even bether i really want that new ultraportebole with nice penryn to go.
and what about that blueray?after warner has gone for the kill in toshibas heart and the theory microsoft just want chaos in blueray/hd sales so they can sell downloaded movies from the internett-maybe apple likes that theory as well ?would not suprise me.
And if they update the macpro why dont they update the cinema displays?(look at the name "cinema" displays you really expect something juicy with that name)
but like allways apple are allways interestet in proclaming that there products state of the art some of the products are.But if the product are state of the art - the product often speaks for it selfs..and if you are interested in a new fancy screen with that macpro check out the dell glass screen thats really something.
'And what about that games?why cant apple/steve jobs close the deal with more gamedesigners so that mac/appleusers can stop playing on windows on ther mac(never gonna hapend i supouse)...
dont allways wait for apple thats my tip but i really expect something groundbreaking to hapend inn MWSF - if not i would be just as shocking(thypical apple)...
I'm sorry to say it like that but can't you use spell check? I am foreigner too and I do make mistakes but what you wrote above is really ugly. I understood everything you said but man you should do something with your grammar check. Please
a new mbp.ore even bether i really want that new ultraportebole with nice penryn to go.
and what about that blueray?after warner has gone for the kill in toshibas heart and the theory microsoft just want chaos in blueray/hd sales so they can sell downloaded movies from the internett-maybe apple likes that theory as well ?would not suprise me.
And if they update the macpro why dont they update the cinema displays?(look at the name "cinema" displays you really expect something juicy with that name)
but like allways apple are allways interestet in proclaming that there products state of the art some of the products are.But if the product are state of the art - the product often speaks for it selfs..and if you are interested in a new fancy screen with that macpro check out the dell glass screen thats really something.
'And what about that games?why cant apple/steve jobs close the deal with more gamedesigners so that mac/appleusers can stop playing on windows on ther mac(never gonna hapend i supouse)...
dont allways wait for apple thats my tip but i really expect something groundbreaking to hapend inn MWSF - if not i would be just as shocking(thypical apple)...
I'm sorry to say it like that but can't you use spell check? I am foreigner too and I do make mistakes but what you wrote above is really ugly. I understood everything you said but man you should do something with your grammar check. Please
Mar 6, 11:14 AM
It's Apple's philosophy. It comes down to building priorities around it and executing on them.
Listen to this guy in the video below. Does he sound like someone who doesn't treat tech as a craft, as an art? This is someone who sounds like he's prepared to make some heavy sacrifices for the sake of perfecting a product. Someone who is prepared to say no to a thousand things, and yes to that one special idea. You wouldn't even believe he's talking about tech but something entirely different.
It's not marketing-speak or hyperbole for the camera. It's an artist speaking about his work. Can you identify with this?
Apple operates from a completely different place and mindset from everyone else.
Simple. They actually give a damn about the User Experience. They understand that tech is used by PEOPLE, and people have lives to get on with. So . . . simplify, simplify, simplify; cut, cut cut; and then work to perfect what's left over.
That's the beauty of it. It's very Zen. Perfection - or rather, sublimity - is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away.
Why doesn't the competition do this or think this way?
1) Their priority is to make as much money in as little time as possible and to do it as cheaply as possible.
2) They're stupid.
Most of the time, #1 happens because of #2.
And there is no cure for #2.
Listen to this guy in the video below. Does he sound like someone who doesn't treat tech as a craft, as an art? This is someone who sounds like he's prepared to make some heavy sacrifices for the sake of perfecting a product. Someone who is prepared to say no to a thousand things, and yes to that one special idea. You wouldn't even believe he's talking about tech but something entirely different.
It's not marketing-speak or hyperbole for the camera. It's an artist speaking about his work. Can you identify with this?
Apple operates from a completely different place and mindset from everyone else.
Simple. They actually give a damn about the User Experience. They understand that tech is used by PEOPLE, and people have lives to get on with. So . . . simplify, simplify, simplify; cut, cut cut; and then work to perfect what's left over.
That's the beauty of it. It's very Zen. Perfection - or rather, sublimity - is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away.
Why doesn't the competition do this or think this way?
1) Their priority is to make as much money in as little time as possible and to do it as cheaply as possible.
2) They're stupid.
Most of the time, #1 happens because of #2.
And there is no cure for #2.
May 4, 03:53 AM
I don't really see why Apple will never do that. When Jobs said styluses are crap, obviously he didn't mean styluses as writing devices, he meant styluses as the way to interact with OS.
Education applications seem to be of some importance to Apple, and stylus support is pretty much required to make iPad useful for students, for example.
for drawing during class, maybe. there is a lot of stuff in chemistry or physics where you need to make a quick drawing. but for writing? i am typing way faster than i am writing with a pen. and in the end its way more readable. :D
if you really need a stylus there are already lots of options you can buy and use em with your ipad.
tell me i'm wrong.
can the ipad do this effectively now? can a student take notes in class on an ipad? do you really think a student can take readable notes, fast enough, while writing with a 'hovering' hand?
You are maybe wrong, cause I don't use a stylus. :)
A friend is using one and he said it works perfectly once you find the best stylus. There are a lots of different pens. He tried out a few in the store and he said the bad drawing comes from the cheap pens not because of the ipad screen. Try the griffin stylus if you can test it somewhere.
Education applications seem to be of some importance to Apple, and stylus support is pretty much required to make iPad useful for students, for example.
for drawing during class, maybe. there is a lot of stuff in chemistry or physics where you need to make a quick drawing. but for writing? i am typing way faster than i am writing with a pen. and in the end its way more readable. :D
if you really need a stylus there are already lots of options you can buy and use em with your ipad.
tell me i'm wrong.
can the ipad do this effectively now? can a student take notes in class on an ipad? do you really think a student can take readable notes, fast enough, while writing with a 'hovering' hand?
You are maybe wrong, cause I don't use a stylus. :)
A friend is using one and he said it works perfectly once you find the best stylus. There are a lots of different pens. He tried out a few in the store and he said the bad drawing comes from the cheap pens not because of the ipad screen. Try the griffin stylus if you can test it somewhere.
Jul 21, 10:51 AM
Apple should spend the money spent on pointing fingers at others and no a bumper is not a fix. It only happens to 1% of the users? Greeeeat. That's 1% more than it should. So get to work and stop trying to look at others failures that are similar to yours.
What's apple trying to say? That they are failing At fixing something just better?
Nope, they're saying that nearly every phone has the same problem because nobody has been able to figure out a way around physics, so even though barely anybody is calling in to complain or return a phone we are going to give you something for free and other companies won't even though their manuals tell you the same thing we are telling you.
What's apple trying to say? That they are failing At fixing something just better?
Nope, they're saying that nearly every phone has the same problem because nobody has been able to figure out a way around physics, so even though barely anybody is calling in to complain or return a phone we are going to give you something for free and other companies won't even though their manuals tell you the same thing we are telling you.
Much Ado
Oct 29, 06:50 AM
"If they Hardware worked with any software, it would not be so easy to use"
"It would also not work so well"
Sorry, but that doesn't really make sense.

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"It would also not work so well"
Sorry, but that doesn't really make sense.
Apr 25, 04:20 PM
Thanks for your advice dejo, but I'm not stepping away because of lack of fundamentals. Interaction with other developers is an additional learning source (the main is all kind of documentation), of course I need to learn more about fundamentals of objective C just like you did when you had 3 months programming, but that ain't stopping me from asking help in forums. Some people help you, some don't, you just have to deal with that.
The reason I suggested what I suggested was that, without a good grasp of the fundamentals, you are not exactly speaking the same language as those you seek help from. This can cause continued confusion and frustration by all involved. Anyways, good luck with your issue.
The reason I suggested what I suggested was that, without a good grasp of the fundamentals, you are not exactly speaking the same language as those you seek help from. This can cause continued confusion and frustration by all involved. Anyways, good luck with your issue.
May 4, 05:46 PM
Any law that tells a physician what they can and can't ask a patient, or who they must treat despite their own personal views - is stupid. Physicians should be able to ask whatever they want, if the person answers that's their own choice, and if the physician no longer wants to treat them, thats his/her choice.
Where do you live? Cedar Rapids, where the nearest next physician is five or ten minutes away, at most? What if you were in Guttenberg, where the next physician is half an hour or more? Open-ended liberty to refuse to provide treatment at a whim is just plain irresponsible.
Where do you live? Cedar Rapids, where the nearest next physician is five or ten minutes away, at most? What if you were in Guttenberg, where the next physician is half an hour or more? Open-ended liberty to refuse to provide treatment at a whim is just plain irresponsible.
Jan 14, 01:45 AM
ha, that was pretty good. and true really...
they didn't release iwork and ilife probably b/c of Amazon putting it up on their website early
and now poor ol' Amazon has egg on its face:o
they didn't release iwork and ilife probably b/c of Amazon putting it up on their website early
and now poor ol' Amazon has egg on its face:o
Lesser Evets
Apr 25, 12:29 PM
The grain texture on the screen compared to the hand is a sign of photoshop.
However, despite the probable fake picture, it could be a possible product since rumors of it were going around for a year or such. The bigger screen would make sense: borders are wasted space.
I am curious when they will begin to limit the borders on iMacs. That chin has gone on too long.
However, despite the probable fake picture, it could be a possible product since rumors of it were going around for a year or such. The bigger screen would make sense: borders are wasted space.
I am curious when they will begin to limit the borders on iMacs. That chin has gone on too long.
Oct 28, 06:39 PM
(I'm not necessarily saying he's right about saving FreeBSD, just that NeXT/Apple have contributed to it.)
Not really. There are from time to time fixes that are noticed in Darwin and ported back to FreeBSD by others, but Apple have a history of not getting involved with the projects from where they take code. The stuff about the kernel is especially weird, that's still the area where Apple and FreeBSD differ the most.
Not really. There are from time to time fixes that are noticed in Darwin and ported back to FreeBSD by others, but Apple have a history of not getting involved with the projects from where they take code. The stuff about the kernel is especially weird, that's still the area where Apple and FreeBSD differ the most.
Aug 1, 02:00 PM
First you bitch about MS then when Apple does the same thing it is not wrong.
Come on ...
Come on ...
l3lack J4ck
Nov 24, 01:24 PM
could you link me on how to get the government discount? my dad works for the post office and that is federal government...could somoene tell me how to get this discount? thanks
Jul 21, 09:36 AM
I find it great that they are doing this... in so far as it illustrates what their testing shows, that the iPhone 4 is not the only phone to have "antenna issues"
I don't see Apple as using this in an advertising campaign, just that they are backing up their claims and research with true visual evidence
If they were acting immaturely, they would have just left it at "well, everyone else has the problems like this too" and not offer up any data, evidence, etc to back up their claim.... It is very similar to a vocal majority on this site saying "Apple's antenna design is defective" and "All iPhone 4's are defective" as well as "Every iPhone 4 loses reception just by touching it"... no hard data showing that ALL phones are defective or that the antenna doesn't work...
I don't see Apple as using this in an advertising campaign, just that they are backing up their claims and research with true visual evidence
If they were acting immaturely, they would have just left it at "well, everyone else has the problems like this too" and not offer up any data, evidence, etc to back up their claim.... It is very similar to a vocal majority on this site saying "Apple's antenna design is defective" and "All iPhone 4's are defective" as well as "Every iPhone 4 loses reception just by touching it"... no hard data showing that ALL phones are defective or that the antenna doesn't work...
Nov 24, 05:06 PM
Ohh free junk! I only assume that based upon the free stuff I received when I purchased form them in the past. I have also dealt with that company before, and never again! BTW, their price is not immediate, their discount is in the form of a rebate. :rolleyes:
Tax? Not really an issue for me, I am registered under a non profit org (have been for 3 years now), so because of this I am able to write it off. I just didn't have my paperwork with for me to get the Macbook Tax free today, so I get a $62 rebate from the government in a couple months. ;) .
So in the end, I saved a $1 over the option you brought up, got it today, and I don't have useless junk to deal with on top of it :) .
That is the only thing that interests me from their offer!
Whatever makes you feel better about it. :D
There is one positive to buying from the apple store. If the screen is bad or if you have a problem you can take it back and swap it for a new one.
Tax? Not really an issue for me, I am registered under a non profit org (have been for 3 years now), so because of this I am able to write it off. I just didn't have my paperwork with for me to get the Macbook Tax free today, so I get a $62 rebate from the government in a couple months. ;) .
So in the end, I saved a $1 over the option you brought up, got it today, and I don't have useless junk to deal with on top of it :) .
That is the only thing that interests me from their offer!
Whatever makes you feel better about it. :D
There is one positive to buying from the apple store. If the screen is bad or if you have a problem you can take it back and swap it for a new one.
Aug 7, 03:06 PM
UK prices have not changed still �529 for the 20" and �779 for 23", i'm ready to buy a new Mac Pro 2.66 & a Cinema Display but not if the UK prices dont drop.
Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Come on Apple. And God bless the BBC.
Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Come on Apple. And God bless the BBC.
Sep 28, 11:49 AM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/09/28/steve-jobs-to-build-the-iphone-of-houses/)
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