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  • razzmatazz
    Sep 12, 07:25 AM
    Man I'm going to be at school while this is all going on. Hmm...time to play sick :rolleyes: :D

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  • aafuss1
    Sep 12, 07:57 AM
    What do these clowns do to us aussies, 3am, so not fair, everytime
    Set up a Safari window full of coverage sites.

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  • unlinked
    Mar 29, 02:22 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    They rummaged through non-App Store apps two years ago, but back then there wasn't a 30% cut in it for them.

    That never happened.

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  • PorterRocks
    Mar 24, 09:07 PM
    Happy Birthday, OS X. I've known you since 2007 when my computer running that other OS got the nastiest virus I had ever seen. (Fried the hard drive AND the power supply)

    After that happened I went to the local Apple store to check out "The Apples" as I called them at the time. I had always been told since I was a kid that "Apple computers are terrible", but I wanted to check them out. Needless to say I picked up a Mac mini that day and haven't looked back. I've since owned two macbook's, 3 iPod's, 4 iPhone's, 1 iPad and am about to pick up my second Mac mini.

    I couldn't be happier. :apple: fan for life!

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  • AmbitiousLemon
    Nov 16, 02:15 PM
    Any rumor published by DT deserves, at most, that special commemorative page with totally fake rumors that MR created some time ago...********!

    It is posted on page one because it is of particular interest to the community and was already spawning multiple threads here. Not all page 1 rumors as there due to legitimacy.

    So lets stop beating the dead horse of page 1 vs page 2 that we already requested no comments on.

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  • Jschultz
    Oct 17, 11:15 AM
    Yes, I have the Samsung 46" LN-S4696D (, connected to both a Samsung BD player and a Core 2 Duo Media Center Edition mini-tower with a Quadro FX graphics card and HD tuners.

    It does 1080p native, as well as native 1920x1080 on the PC.

    Some of the Blu-ray Discs are simply amazing (House of Flying Daggers is superb), although others just make the shortcomings of the original production more apparent. (Kind of like a CD of an old live concert, where the CD perfectly reproduces the hiss and noise in the master tape.)

    If you get the chance, watch either ultraviolet, or Underworld 2 on your BD player. It looks so good, it's rediculous!

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  • !� V �!
    Apr 29, 06:09 PM
    Why do we assume that the person using it is an idiot? What was so confusing about it? It takes two seconds to get use to it.

    I think inverted scrolling has the potential to confuse people more and is probably harder to get use to.

    I am guessing that you have never worked as tech support or with family members or relatives that are not tech savvy. ;):D

    Remember :apple: produces products for the young and young at heart. ;)

    Have you not noticed that Steve Jobs weak eyesight and the text in Mac OS growing ever so large. If it was my choice I would have tiny text on screen.

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  • Slix
    Apr 16, 06:38 PM
    So you're saying that iTunes is hard to beat?

    No way?

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  • Cromulent
    Apr 27, 10:52 PM
    thats funny, as soon as someone mentions "what's a pointer"..everyone shoots to kill here, and they tell you to step out or go deep yourself in books. The last thing you'll get is a simple answer, which 1 out 20 developers give you without asking you "Have you even read the objective-C manual?? cause if not you should leave the Real Coding and go study now

    Fine. I'll give you a simple answer to "What is a pointer?".

    It is a memory address. Nothing more and nothing less. The reason people don't give you the simple answer is because it will mean nothing to you and you won't understand the answer until you have read the articles and documents that people have been trying to get you to read.

    Frankly having read this thread I think your behaviour is disgusting. People have been falling over themselves here trying to help you and you are just dismissing every single piece of help that is being offered to you.

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  • lostontheisland
    Apr 5, 04:41 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Maybe I'm being harsh, maybe what the world really needs is a 3 hour Zoomba infomercial app. Or an app extolling the benefits of the snuggie. And the excuse 'hey dude, I work in advertising' is not a good reason to criticise people who see this app for what it is, a pile of s***. If you work in advertising, the best thing you could do is make a note of the fact that everyone who DOESN'T work in advertising thinks this is a pile of s*** and modify your advertising strategy accordingly.

    It's like people at burger king reacting to the fact that everyone hates burger king by saying 'these burgers are useful to me, because I work at burger king'

    But clearly, anyone who claims they may find the iAd Gallery App useful is instantly labeled a 'Moron', tarred, feathered and burned at the stake. Apparently you seem to have extensive knowledge of what everyone else thinks. Have you taken a survey of EVERYONE who DOESN'T work in advertising to confirm your assessment that the iAd App is a 'Pile of Sh**'? Add to that, your Burger King analogy is invalid because you can't possibly claim that EVERYONE hates Burger King. The only claim you could possibly make from any of this is that the majority of MacRumors forum members commenting on this post are grossly mis-informed and incredibly immature.

    better than being angry over someone elses opinion.

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  • Qwest905
    Apr 6, 01:57 PM
    lol thanks...

    no need to wait in line when here in canada(not sure if it's the same in the US)

    in order to buy the ipad in the apple store have to logon to their website at 9pm in hope to be able to reserve an ipad for pickup the next day

    and congratulations on your engagement =)....i'm still in my honeymoon phase as i was married back in november!!

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  • MacRumors
    Oct 28, 02:21 PM (

    Apple appears to have pulled the publicly accessible Mac OS 10.4.8 Source Code (Darwin, the open-source foundation of OS X, and XNU, Darwin's open-source kernel), leaving only developers with ADC log-ins with access to the code (public link (, ADC link (

    Earlier this week, the OSx86 project ( released a version of the 10.4.8 kernel ( that was hailed to be 100% legal according to the APSL and run on any x86 machine. Prior to this release, Apple's code would only run on Apple's hardware due to various dependencies (such as EFI).

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  • maveness
    Nov 16, 04:52 PM
    Store still down for me...

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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Oct 19, 11:19 AM
    this is really the start of good things for apple.

    if they really want to get more marketshare. Introduce more models.

    1- a midsized tower. to offer more power and upgradability than iMac or mac mini, and less than Mac Pro. This is part of reason why less desktop models are being sold than laptops.

    2- Slim Macbook

    3- iPhone (ipod phone/pda)

    4- Embrace HDTV with new lines of HDTV compliant monitors (HDCP) and blu-ray or hd dvd & add hdcp compliant videocards also. Also sell HD content via itunes.
    1. Midsized tower - won't happen. If you want to upgrade go Mac Pro, if you want simplicity go iMac.
    2. Slim MacBook? Don't you mean tiny MacBook? Apple could quite easily make the iPhone Smartphone and the MacBook Nano one and the same.
    3. iPhone - Jan
    4. A number of the moniters already play HD quality - I'm actually waiting for Apple to make a HD TV, cause it will happen, it will probably have the iTV built in too!! :)

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 29, 01:08 PM (

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  • notjustjay
    Apr 21, 02:04 PM
    well sometimes there is an article about different kind of processor, chips or whatever. some stuff that I don't know anything about. So then I like to look at the votes and see if this is something that is good or bad for Apple. I like to think that majority of the people voting have the same love of apple products and have more insight on this issue than I do.

    But it's still highly opinion-based. I think the rating should be based on something other than whether or not I like the poster or what he/she has to say. Something more like, how helpful or constructive was this post?

    I still think the "thanks" system like at is a better representation of what a good "point" system looks like. Certain people are very helpful in answering other people's questions or providing useful information. When someone answers your question or provides a technical explanation (or even a snappy comeback or an informed opinion) that people find insightful, they can "thank" the user for the post. Everyone who sees the post then can quickly see that this post has been helpful to others ("6 people thanked Mad Mac Maniac for this post"). And the cumulative total stays with the user, so you can also see at a quick glance that this user has a reputation for being helpful ("Mad Mac Maniac has been thanked 4,134 times.")

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  • lapeno
    Apr 7, 03:05 AM
    About damn time too...

    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    Really nice choice!

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  • twoodcc
    Jul 30, 04:01 PM
    well i still have 3 main machines for folding, but none are back up to full force.

    i don't have any of them running over 3.6 ghz (the fastest now is like 3.55 or so). so right now i'm just running -advmethods instead of -bigadv on 2 of them, and i'm actually using the other one, so no cpu folding right now.

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  • janitorC7
    Jan 15, 10:52 PM
    Overall I liked it but there were some obvious things lacking.

    I think that there are somethings that were cut out, because they were not ready, I think that time-capsule was supposed to be part of a greater home integration kit.


    Apr 15, 10:00 PM
    I'm beginning to think that on a lonely, quiet Friday night this is the most action that Calidude can hope for.

    I'm 50 ... and married, Calidude.

    What's your excuse?
    Pffft I'm practically married myself. Live-in gf. Friday nights are a thing of the past.

    Mar 4, 03:05 PM
    Really? You don't believe in that whole 'teach a man to fish' crap?
    I suppose you also think the solution to African starvation is sending them bags of rice, corn, wheat w/out teaching them to plant some?

    The conservative side does not seem believe in the "teach a man to fish" crap. They talk about it, but rarely practice it. For them it's more like this, "Go learn to fish, and if you can't afford the education, too bad."

    this is funah
    Sep 12, 08:13 AM
    i just hope that iTunes 7 has better video handling... the video podcasts tend to overload the CPU, making me just open them in QT

    Apr 9, 06:43 AM
    I'd say 10.6 had a ton of new features; they just weren't in the UI.

    So what are the ton of features that apple introduced in 10.6?

    That's not the point. the bad thing about Registry is that it even exits. What a dumb design to have a single file that multiple different applications can access. It tightly couple things that should be 100% independent. Every other OS works hard to avoid this problem. It should be the case that even an intensionally malicious program can effect the operation of another program. Windows works only because you work hard to keep intensionally malicious software off the computer. This effort should not be required
    I agree with that assessment. The single point of failure design was a major misstep by MS, that has hampered consumers and administrators for years. Things have gotten better and more stable, but you're right, the design is the problem.

    Jan 15, 05:20 PM
    Compare the MBA to this sony notebook with similar specs:


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