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  • rovex
    Apr 27, 12:52 PM
    Pretty amazing. Now "speculation" is considered "fact". No wonder this country has so many problems.

    Which country are you talking about? Written in stone it's not, but obvious enough to suggest it, yes.

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  • applefanDrew
    Apr 23, 07:20 PM
    As an Apple fan, I'm glad to hear this. I'd love for iPhone to get on all 4 networks in the U.S. Apple's profits go up and millions more people get access to a great device. I would love to see iPhone 5 in September get released on all networks in the U.S. :apple:

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 28, 04:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The apple two-for-one special - it's UGLY and FAT, and all you have to pay for is ugly.

    God the iPhone 4 I'm trying this message on looks so much better than the white one.

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  • SuperCachetes
    Dec 30, 01:54 PM
    Just like quitting smoking is dead easy for some people but really difficult for others? My gran after 50+ years of chain smoking just simply stopped. She says she had no problem, just didn't feel like spending to money anymore. I smoke about 5 cigs a day since the age of 13 and still struggling to quit.

    IMHO it is all about desire and willpower. I, too, smoked from the time I was 13, and did it for 25 years. I tried to quit many times, and mostly just got hooked on nicotine gum/lozenges instead for a few months at a time. Finally, a few years ago, the motivation and environment matched up and I said "screw this." Smoke-free ever since, and while I will probably always be super-sensitive to the smell of a nice burning tobacco leaf, I really am done with it. Good luck with your own battle.

    Similar to the situation with the 30,000 calorie lady, I don't care if people smoke or not. You know it's unhealthy; it's your right to be that way. It's none of my business... until it starts affecting me, via pitching in for your eventual treatment or having butts thrown at me or onto my property.

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  • CarlHeanerd
    Apr 28, 10:47 PM
    What can I say? White is phat...

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  • neko girl
    May 1, 11:08 PM
    my fear is the democrats will try to use this a political gain and that is so very wrong both to the military and for this good event.

    It turns a great event into worthless BS. It was just luck of the draw that a Dem was in power when this happen and it was only a matter of time. I already am watching some people try to turn it into political gain and it makes me sick.
    I'll take this over the worthless birther trash the opposition has been spewing.

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  • Xenomorph
    Apr 14, 12:30 PM
    At this rate jailbreakers will never catch up.

    4.3.1 was out for a just week when a functional, untethered jailbreak came out for it.

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  • jclardy
    Apr 14, 06:35 AM
    You don't need Rosetta, iOS is Intel 64 native. You get a copy with Xcode called the Simulator.

    The problem is that all iOS app store binaries are ARM and not x86. Devs could provide a second build for the simulator but they would have to do it for all of their old apps.

    Maybe there will be a touchscreen MBA with both an intel and an arm processor that can run iOS apps in fullscreen alongside other Mac apps...

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  • vincenz
    Apr 14, 01:13 PM
    Great, another useless update :rolleyes:

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  • MacRumors
    Nov 10, 02:22 PM (

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  • MacNut
    Feb 25, 11:27 AM
    As it is looking, looks like the show might be done period. Which just sucks. One of my favorite shows too! :mad:They show will be on as long as the ratings are up. Maybe Sheen gets killed off when he crashes his car next season and then their long lost brother enters.

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  • ethana
    Jun 7, 12:21 AM
    Your sarcasm is inappropriate. This poster has a right to her/his opinion. There are plenty of folks that think that kids are a bad idea, especially in their case. I'm proud of the fact I don't have kids: I'd beat them just like Joan Crawford did in Mommy Dearest. :mad:

    Another person who would beat their kids but won't have any! YES! One less idiot to not worry about in this world for very much longer.

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  • i�aki'sonMac'87
    Oct 24, 08:35 AM
    I just had called to Apple store, and they are going to take my week old MBP CD and are giong to give me the new ones, do anybody know if, with the eductational discount, is any problem? how much do I hve to pay (if I have to pay anything)?
    Is the cutted Serial Number of the box considered as I broke something?
    just want a 15,4" , 2Gb RAM, 120 HDD and DVD 2L6x....sweet machine

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  • Don Kosak
    Nov 10, 04:56 PM
    What's with all the developers that won't do Universal Apps?

    If you're supporting both platforms anyway, it's actually far less code, and less testing to just do a Universal App. (I know, I've done two of them so far.)

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  • rcandre2
    Apr 29, 12:25 AM
    Mine is definitely thicker than my black one. One of them (bought two today) is actually crooked.... when I lay it down on a flat surface it doesn't lay down completely... there is a "wobble" to it.. wonder if the case is warped.

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  • mKizzo
    Apr 13, 08:33 PM
    One of my mates in Taiwan actually got a white conversion kit for his iPhone4. I took a look last week and was actually dissapointed. It looks kind of cheap & gimmicky. And I don't believe that's related to the quality of the conversion. This was performed using genuine apple components and in that respect the fit and finish was perfect.

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  • Btrthnezr3
    Jan 31, 06:52 PM

    Turned sideways and with the slanted edge toward the back of my desk...

    Airport Extreme perched atop, ISP router and various cords hidden within.

    Yummie! I love cord-hiding goodness!

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  • Musubi
    Nov 3, 08:36 PM
    Dont count Parallels out. They will eventually have multicore support in their app, and i am sure will keep getting better over time.
    The single core support currently is a design decision. Per a note by Andrew (of Parallels) (, "One core is used by Mac OS X and the other core is used by Windows XP - it brings excellent resource management and optimal performance for both systems running simultaneously."

    Thus it can be presumed they may end up allowing multicore as an option in future releases.

    The good thing about having two companies in this space is the competition will result in two better Mac products. I've just finished installing XP Pro on Fusion but the beta test agreement has a note about confidentiality regarding the discussion of benchmarks/performance data of the beta. Upon starting a VM, a sheet drops down noting there is debug code and logging which affects its performance. Thus, comparing it's current performance against Parallels isn't fair game at this time. Outside of that, the user interface is a bit more spartan (not much configuration options including the ability to tweak an already created VM) than Parallels. The VM setup while not much different than Parallels Desktop feels more streamlined. Fusion also drops down sheets with plenty of information to help make the setup process idiotproof (all of those dialogues can be turned off by checking the provided box).

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  • hulugu
    May 2, 12:53 AM
    If you want to go that route, milk it for all it's worth. Preserve him, decorate him as a pi�ata, and have anyone who wants take three whacks on primetime worldwide TV. Families of 9/11 victims get to be first in line.

    I'm not sure stuffing a corpse with candy is very hygienic. ;)

    Seriously, though, we're going to treat him like Hector? Like he was some great hero worthy of our wrath and opprobrium?

    I disagree, we should wrap him in an army blanket and bury Bin Laden in an unmarked grave; the man's had enough celebrity already.

    May 3, 07:49 AM
    Nice update, but I'll still focus on what is most disappointing to me:

    - No Matte Option
    - Still no wireless keyboard with numeric keypad!
    - Lack of SSD options (was really hoping the rumor of a couple of months ago of a small SSD drive for boot).

    Apr 26, 12:41 PM
    Raise a glass to the home server!

    Many of us have been streaming our music for years.

    Jul 21, 11:14 AM
    New PowerBooks next Tuesday!!! :D :p

    May 3, 08:25 AM
    Hyper-Threading (Intel Core i7 only) � a technology that allows two threads to run simultaneously on each core. So a quad-core iMac has eight virtual cores, all of which are recognized by Mac OS X. This enables the processor to deliver faster performance by spreading tasks more evenly across a greater number of cores.


    Dec 1, 06:48 PM
    Apple really really needs to get on this... As far as some Script Kiddie wanting to make a name for themself the mass of mac users would need to be higher. There are still currently not enough mac users to warrent such acts, you would not get notice. I feel that a lot of coders find holes in XP because then they can exploit big business, were as macs are more often than not home computers. If apple its athe big 10% mark this will all change.

    How do you know they are not on it? You don't right? The source of these reports is the people who want to sell you their security software. They capitalize on our fear. The author notes he spent most of his time on Mac and Linux. Very little time was spent on Windows/Vista. Well, that makes sense if you are trying to sell software. Everyone already installs it on Windows. No sales opportunities there. So, go scare yourself a new market with the people who do not need it. It even works better if you can create some mistrust amongst the user base. Just plant the seeds of doubt the manufacturers are unwilling, or unable to protect them. You are their savior.

    I do not have a Pollyanna view on this. I have no doubts that threats exist and an aggressive, on-going effort is crucial. But, the real solution is to fight this crime with the seriousness it deserves. That means mandatory prison sentences, equal liability for facilitation and for profiteering, etc.


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