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  • 42streetsdown
    Apr 30, 08:47 PM
    i like castle better than icloud. it's probably just a code name though

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  • puckhead193
    Mar 18, 12:29 AM
    I don't know if this was listen but i was browseing the apple downloads page and came across this (http://www.objectpark.net/)
    it puts a mini ical icon in the task bar. Once clicked, a mini calender pops up and u can hover over the dates and it shows whats scheduled. I like because it shows the real date in the task bar for easy refference. Check it out

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  • mcdj
    Mar 27, 08:27 PM
    This is really funny. Hello, I would like to introduce myself. I'm the infamous seller! :) How are you guys. It's funny that most people here are laughing about the stupidity of others like myself.

    But anyway, this is in no way illegal. I would know, being a student of law. In addition, eBay AND PayPal have sided with me on this matter MULTIPLE times. The only time PayPal sided with the buyer was when they claimed they never got it and I had no shipping proof. The item is accurately described, end of story. Stop crying about it and be more responsible.

    Just an ending note, I've made over $2,000 doing this before and used it to buy two amazing Les Pauls. ;)

    - Dan

    the item is improperly listed, which is against ebay's policy, end of story. and if you've sold so many of these, where's all the negative feedback? surely you don't expect us to believe you made pals with the people you've sold your crappy photos to? your claims of doing this multiple times are as fake as your crappy auction.

    get a job you lazy ass.

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  • mnkeybsness
    Jul 3, 03:19 PM
    i've never seen that problem before. i get the tops of the speech bubbles cut off sometimes.

    remember that this is a beta program and it will be fixed when the final is released along with panther later this year.


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  • Shigatsu
    Apr 15, 12:27 PM
    Here's mine.

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  • edesignuk
    Mar 29, 01:27 AM


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  • Macaddicttt
    Mar 16, 06:26 PM
    Yes, and they're all just bleeding heart emotional responses, and i don't buy into that crap. Sorry, but my opinion on this isn't changing. Funny, the polls say non-religious people between the age of 18-29 are most likely to support the death penalty, and that's exactly where i fit.

    Again, have you read the thread? I wasn't aware, "It costs more to execute someone than keep him in prison for life," was a "bleeding heart emotional response." I also didn't think, "It's impossible to be 100% certain," was emotional either. Funny, to me, these arguments seemed pretty fact-based. The only one with an emotional response is you, demanding blood.

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  • nickvisic
    Apr 25, 09:56 AM
    "Hi. Do you like my NEW white iPhone? Did you notice the nice black cover on my NEW white iPhone? I just LOVE my white iPhone, even if you can't see it with my black cover."

    I just drives me nuts when I see people do that. Or the guys with white covers on black iphones. HELLO!!!


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  • Celebrity Tattoos Wrist

  • rasmasyean
    Apr 17, 11:11 PM
    2.1 is the replacement rate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_fertility_rate#Replacement_rates)

    Ponzi schemes FTW. Europe will need 20 million immigrants by 2030 and way more by 2050 in order to maintain their lifestyle, or we could be monsters and kill old people.


    That's not how civilization works. What happens is that a superior country will immigrate people from external inferior lands where necessary. Much, as you can imagine, to take over the "low end" jobs to support the "high end" workers. An early version of this is known as "slavery". Today, we just give immigrants low wages and more "freedom" albeit they still mop the floor so the CEO doesn't slip.

    It's also consistent with the idea of importing "strong slaves". Those migrant workers are often the hard workers and upper teir of thier former civilization. Because...those are the ones who make the trip and are productive enough to be allowed to stay without being weeded out.

    Later, when these "strong slaves" reproduce, it provides the country with strong genetic stock for future workers, whom some will break away from the lower classes. It doesn't matter if they are not part of the "2.1 whites". As a matter of fact, many 2.1 white rednecks trickle to the lower classes, just as super strong immigrates get to invent some of our greatest weapons.

    Furthurmore, as technology advances, "manpower" is compensated by "brainpower". Before the steam engine cycle was invented, it would take like 100 slaves to get the boat of wheat accross the ocean. Now it takes maybe one or a couple of engineers...to play cards...until something breaks.

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  • Truffy
    Nov 22, 03:00 PM
    + 1. The guy who sent this email undoubtedly sniffs his own farts.


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  • MacShadow
    Aug 5, 12:22 PM
    Only on a mac could I make something so difficult so easy. All audio and effects using my Mac.

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  • Macintosheux
    May 1, 06:56 AM
    why would the file be "Untitled"?
    (is this even shot in Lion?)

    I'm the one who found it. It's the following file:


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  • dantastic
    Apr 12, 02:25 AM
    You could not rely on that, no.

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  • liamkp
    Jul 10, 01:46 PM
    Was wondering if you can use 2 bluetooth headsets at the same time.

    I dont think so.


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  • Best female celebrity wrist

  • Bchagey
    Apr 29, 03:04 PM
    so0oo good, and gross haha. www.allsp.com watch it there for those who havent seen it

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  • celebrity wrist tattoos.

  • Popeye206
    Apr 7, 12:14 PM
    Come on now. Other than a VERY select few, Atari games are terrible and don't hold up at all.

    Some are fun. Did you grow up on these? I think those of us who did, still get a kick out of the simplicity of them. I know there's a couple I would love to have for some casual play.


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  • celebrity wrist tattoos.

  • Wilshire Court
    Apr 9, 04:18 PM
    Does XCode or interface builder include a grid object or data grid object? Are there any third-party developers who offer those objects?


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  • Alisstar
    Apr 6, 11:45 AM
    Petabytes didn't exist in my dictionary until today. Thank you, MacRumors.

    How many gigabytes is a petabyte anyway?

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  • Mal
    Dec 8, 11:16 PM
    I'm switching a lot this month, but here's one more. This one I put together as a Keynote slide for church this weekend, and thought it'd make a good desktop. I might make a series of these.




    May 6, 01:51 AM
    nope; that was japan's propaganda to justify the attack but it's a fantasy. The embargo was in response to japanese military invasions in asia and its alliance with nazi germany. WW2 had already started in europe before the embargo against the japanese was put in place.

    In what way does this change the issue? Japan needed oil we refused to give it to them, if America had been in their position odds are we would have done the same. It seems to me that by world standards the war was perfectly justified.

    Not that war is ever justified but I fail to see how the Japanese are/were any worse than any other invading army which has ever existed.

    War is only a "bad" or "illegal" thing it seems when it's happening to you. When its happening all over someone else...well the btastards deserved it.

    Apr 8, 04:27 PM
    Yessssss! Finally! Tempest! Centipede! The original Breakout! ...Now, where's Gauntlet, and I can stop nagging!

    And, somebody, PLEASE license LEMMINGS.

    dont bother with Tempest, I d/l'd for ipad 2 and the graphics are horrible. very dissapointing.

    Nov 29, 01:01 PM
    If he had just put "profit" that would be a fair judgemnt.

    But that's not exactly what he said. The actual quote is:
    "3) ????? 4) PROFIT!"

    That's different. It's an old joke. I guess you've never seen it before.

    Yes I have seen it and now it has been pointed out it is quite funny :D

    Apr 1, 11:14 AM
    Heres mine for April

    Apr 5, 10:41 PM
    There seems to be a lot of confusion between morality and reality in this thread. Let me give a real life experience as example and comparison....
    I don't have all the details, so I won't comment further on this unfortunate rape and please don't misinterpret that I am saying theft compares to rape. My point is that each of us can take steps to protect ourselves. Will taking these steps guarantee our safety, no, but they can certainly minimize risk.

    I agree, but there's a vast difference between trying to 'minimize risk' and the post below:

    ...If a man sees a woman with a low top, lots of cleavage showing, high skirts and heels, then he will view her as trash.....

    Which acts as a kind of justification.

    Your comparison isn't apt. If you're wearing gold chains and bracelets and hundred dollar bills sticking out of your pockets, yes it would increase your chances of being mugged.

    I would argue that flashing cash is worse in terms of risk than wearing a suit, but that depends on the neighborhood and the suit. A well-dressed Wall Street-type in a chicano neighborhood is running a higher risk than the vato with a thick bank roll. However, Gelfin's comparison remains, as Lord Blackadder noted, apt.

    Neither man deserves to be robbed and moreover no one will try to argue some mitigating circumstances for the attacker. However, in rape cases, the woman's behavior can become part of an argument to remove some guilt from the attacker.

    The defense for rapists is wholly different than the defense for robbers because the first tries to envelop the victim as some kind of co-conspirator with the accused.


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