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  • jrmontag
    Oct 6, 11:09 AM
    Perhaps I missed part of the new Google search feature in the new version of Safari, but isn't there an already-existing (and awesomely functioning :) ) Google searchbar in there? I'm still using Panther with Safari v1.3.2!

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  • ZipZap
    Mar 28, 08:52 AM
    Many of you are just hateful.

    People make mistakes all the time. Its very easy to misread, and the bulk of the listing is set up to make you think you are getting an iPhone.

    There is only one purpose to this defraud. I am 100% confident that the buyer will not have to complete the purchase. 100%!

    Now, as to action against the my experience with eBay...none will be taken.

    Paypal, well they might have a say if the buyer actually pays...otherwise they are not involved.

    The purpose of this thread is to alert others.

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  • nouser
    May 2, 01:43 PM
    I'm betting that the "Castle" will be a remote site backup of my home folder. I'd pay for that service. No backup is complete without an off-site segment. Take a look at all the destruction of the past week in the South. I wonder how many lost their data, music, video and photos to the storm without an off-site back-up.

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  • SandboxGeneral
    Mar 20, 09:16 AM
    Yes you are certainly charging way too little. My basic sites start at $500 and go up from there depending on what the client wants. Usually I charge it by the job and in some cases, there will be add on's and I usually charge $50-$75 per hour for that work. I have a few NPO's and for them I start my quotes to them at $300 for the job.

    From the sounds of this guy you're dealing with, I would just move on and forget him. Finish whatever you've started and end it there.


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  • gMac
    Nov 1, 11:16 AM
    Does it come with the new or old earphones?

    I called the Applestore before ordering and was told it shipped with the new headphones. I'm going to complain if it comes with the old ones because that is the excuse I used to justify ordering the Shuffle. I had just recieved a Nano as a gift the month before but wanted to upgrade the buds.

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  • coleg
    Mar 21, 04:54 PM

    Quinn 2.0

    i was actually looking for tetris today. yay.


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  • Eevee
    Feb 14, 04:50 PM
    Hey Thanks! :D

    oh wait ... you probably meant the new mods i guess. :o :p


    Yeah, I meant the new mods.

    But that's cool. Congrats to you, too Neut! :D

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  • twoodcc
    Jan 26, 07:10 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

    Welcome back twoodcc!!
    Also, just saw that I'm the #16 folder of the team, always nice to know! :)
    Willbe going for the #10 spot in the next couple of days, so be warned :):)

    thanks! even though it might take awhile to get back to where i was. but every little bit helps!

    nice! sounds good! keep it up! ;)


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  • SallyWattle
    Aug 16, 01:59 AM
    At the heart of every Mac OS is the original rainbow.

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  • furi0usbee
    Apr 4, 10:12 AM
    I'm considering going back to pay as you go. Really. My phone is used least for talking. And although I like to have my apps and internet, it's not worth the $75/month I'm paying for some youtube videos or surfing the web while waiting in the car. Google Voice + buying minutes = WINNING for me. I'll simply sell my iPhone and buy an iPod touch. I'm really hating AT&T right now. I may do something rash today.


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  • jessica.
    Sep 26, 10:07 PM
    Looks great I am excited. I like paying 100 a year for 50 mb of space.
    I'll pay again because I am that egotistical!

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  • PhoenixKit
    Mar 26, 09:16 PM
    Wow..$450 for just a photo of a iPhone? I highly doubt people read the description..:eek:


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  • Popeye206
    Apr 7, 09:01 AM
    Are you calling jailbreaking a "kid" activity?

    No... not at all. But I think it's a choice and it's silly to complain about it when you know updates may or will break the JB. Patches and updates are needed and common. So why complain every time a patch comes out and make silly acquisitions that Apple is just messing with the JB community.

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  • GorgonPhone
    Apr 1, 10:00 AM
    looks crappy to me the tab system is crap..


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  • Jeremy1026
    Apr 4, 11:54 AM
    I love all the 'worst carrier ever' comments. Do none of you realize VZW is already charging that much?

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    Apr 4, 10:17 PM
    OMG I've never seen so many crybabies in my life...Really crying because a business raised prices...Better not go to wal-mart, they have price increases there all the time:eek::eek:


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  • someone28624
    May 3, 09:23 PM
    Platelet donations take longer than blood donations (at least an hour longer in most cases). You can donate platelets much more often because your body regenerates them so quickly, in a matter of days instead of months. Some people feel temporarily light-headed after donating blood, which is why they insist that you rest and have a snack afterwards. That happens less often with platelet donations.

    One thing I didn't know until recently: A lot of donation centers encourage platelet donation because platelets have a shorter shelf life than whole blood and supplies can easily run low. But if your blood type is O negative (you're a "universal donor") and you volunteer to donate platelets, they'll likely ask you to donate blood instead!

    Where I work our blood center does double-donations. You can donate blood and platelets at the same time. I'm not eligible to donate platelets because I'm diabetic and they use an anticoagulant in the platelet donation that is dextrose based. We run out of platelets fairly commonly, but I've never seen us run out of blood.

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  • Absolute-Zero
    Apr 12, 12:05 AM
    She looks to be enjoying the VLC app ;)

    I keep trying to change my wallpaper, but I enjoy the dark minimal look of this to much. Helps me focus on the things I need to do

    LOL. Nice comment. Also nice wallpaper. Can I haz link?

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  • MacinDoc
    Apr 13, 07:53 PM
    Hahaha Yea... Meant CDMA! Nevertheless... New iPhone in Feb as well as the white one later this month! Definately no iPhone 5 coming this year!
    ...or at least not until the fall, perhaps in time for holiday purchases (late October maybe?)

    Feb 23, 06:44 PM
    Ah, I had not noticed that the songs were all 1 rec'ers.

    Apr 25, 07:57 AM
    Further evidence that new hardware will not be released this summer. Why go through the trouble of firing up production of this phone just to shut it down in a month if not less than a month to start production of a new phone?

    Sep 18, 02:08 PM
    Any other day traders here? I'm looking into setting up my mac to trade. Scottrade has low fee's but the lack of level II quotes is a downer. I have heard SOME good things about Ameritrade. guess I'm not opposed to using a Windows machine. Any reviews of online firms would be great. Thanks.

    Nov 11, 09:52 AM
    With that short reply Dustyn is now armed with all of the information he needs to make a long-term purchasing decision at his post production facility.

    The tag line "Sent from my iPad" contains more information than the reply itself.


    Feb 23, 06:41 PM
    Well I have 3,500+ and I am at the 68040 level. Can't seem to find the link that showed what each level represented in number of posts.
    It's amazing what you can find with a search ( of the forums.


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