sad quotes about life and pain

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  • Consultant
    May 2, 04:26 PM
    Those macrumors members either have really big biceps or really small hands. ;)

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  • kuebby
    Mar 10, 11:47 PM
    Yeah, I saw this earlier, hopefully this means a stable release will be coming soon. There's actually some stuff in 4.3 I'd like, so it'd be nice to not have to wait 2 or 3 months.

    I'm not complaining though, I'll be patient. I'm not doing the work so I won't whine about something I'm getting for free.

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  • life, quotes

  • iMJustAGuy
    Apr 7, 06:52 AM
    I have the following rules, but I want to add an "is music" rule... when I do this, my entire library comes up... and putting it as a sub rule on either or both categories doesn't help. Since the rule at the top is "ANY" putting in it's on category rule won't help either because it shows the entire library. If I match "ALL" of the rules, then it will show only songs that are by XX and also have XX in the title.

    My goal is to have anything with XX whether they are in the "(feat. XX)" part of the song title, or whether they are the artist of the song, and I don't want anything but music included.

    Help? Thanks, Dale.

    sad quotes about life and pain. sad quotes about life and pain
  • sad quotes about life and pain

  • CorvusCamenarum
    Apr 14, 07:23 AM
    I hear what you are saying, and I certainly didn't mean to imply that I'm not guilty of the same things. I've been using "gay" as a negative adjective for 30 years, like a lot of other people. But every time I do it, I think of what my very close gay friends would say about me using it that way. Whether they specifically would be offended by it is one thing, but the point is that it just isn't right to commandeer that word and use it as an insult or detractor when there really is no reason that it should be.
    Where it gets interesting is that "gay" as a descriptor came into fashion when "queer" was deemed too possibly offensive. I wouldn't be surprised, if we were to move past "gay" as a parallel pejorative, some other word would pop up to take its place.

    In this case, maybe you, me, and all of us need to work on changing pop culture and getting it out of a grade-school mentality. As long as Kobe was fined because he did a piss-poor job of acting professionally and as a role model rather than just "hurting the ref's feelings," that's a start.
    Pop culture has that lowest common denominator appeal about it; that's why it's popular. Good luck on raising that bar. But let's not kid ourselves here - he was fined for PC reasons, albeit trivially so given the size of his paychecks. Otherwise, we wouldn't be seeing half of the NBA tripping over themselves to issue statements and apologies and conduct investigations.


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  • pain, quotes, sad

  • jrko
    Apr 5, 03:39 AM
    Since they are used they may have the older version.

    The 2 port card was used but the 4 port is brand spanking new - not bad for AU$105 including shipping from Oz :D

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  • sad quotes on life and love.

  • Multimedia
    Nov 1, 06:47 PM
    Here you go...

    Sorry they're a bit crappy - just taken on my mobile phone. I can do others if anyone has specific requests!

    PS. It doesn't have a CD installer with it - I just put it there for scale!All four of those photos are focused on the background instead of on the iPod. Would you please re-do making sure you are in focus?


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  • Shaneuk
    Feb 5, 10:28 AM

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  • Eriamjh1138@DAN
    Apr 7, 08:19 PM
    The arcade games are still quite playable. I find the 2600 games to be very hard to enjoy 30 years later as much as originally. They just don't hold up.



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  • Life quote -2

  • Oh-es-Ten
    Mar 23, 10:42 AM
    [bertrandSerlet release];

    Brilliant! :)

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  • The pain u have for several

  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 21, 08:42 AM
    I'm not sure you would describe it as "caning" but Android phones comfortably outsold the iPhone last year.


    That's not at all what's at discussion in this thread. We're talking OS penetration, not phones sold. The statement was made that although iOS is comfortably in the lead in the US, that it's behind in the rest of the world. Given the closeness of the phone units sold, I'd be _VERY_ surprised if iOS had a lower penetration than Android.


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  • sinsin07
    Apr 27, 08:19 PM
    So since there is no answer to my earlier question, I take it that the posters who take issue with the tracking have not bothered to correct the issue on their phone and desktop, which would seem like they care more about posting complaints than being tracked.

    sad quotes about life and pain. Sad Quotes about Life
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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 27, 12:59 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I don't hate Apple, just many of the things they do. Most Apple products I love.

    Then I would suggest you learn to rephrase your statements, because you come across as a clear Apple hater.


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  • Gothic Quotes

  • Freg3000
    Feb 12, 03:07 PM
    Very nice selections, they are certainly very appropriate members to become moderators.

    However, do you think we can change edesignuk's official title from mini-mod to mod mini, more inline with Apple's product naming scheme? :p

    Good luck all of you.

    sad quotes about life and pain. Sad Quotes about Love.
  • Sad Quotes about Love.

  • animefanotaku
    May 5, 12:16 AM
    3DMark 2011:

    From browsing the results I'm apparently the only one doing this :(
    I'm also not really sure if I have optimized drivers etc installed.


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  • Ashwood11
    Mar 31, 08:04 PM
    Micro-fiber cloth and several drops of water.

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  • tjb1
    Feb 14, 01:25 PM
    Got PS3 and my MBP running them.


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  • arn
    Jan 11, 04:53 AM
    I added a Workout category

    right now there isn't functionality for you to automatically nominate existing songs to the categories.

    Just use the "Report Link" feature and ask it to be placed in whatever category u would like, and we'll add it in manually for now.

    I'll add that functionality in before long

    Any other category suggestions?


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  • Short Sad Love Quotes For Her.

  • bkushner
    May 2, 11:27 AM
    Has anyone tried this? .99 cents to use hotspot gps data from iPhone to iPad.

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  • Sad quotes 2 - photo

  • ziggyonice
    Apr 30, 07:20 PM
    Castle... I wonder if that name has any significance?

    A stronghold for your stuff?
    Heavily protected/guarded??
    A free moat with every purchase???

    Aug 4, 08:43 PM

    Dec 18, 06:29 PM
    Hehe, nice :)

    Feb 24, 02:58 PM
    Thanks for the link.

    Happy Birthday, Steve. :)

    Apr 19, 10:22 AM
    I have never worked with pie charts and I could really use some help. I'm wondering if there might be a kind soul here on the boards that would be willing to make a simple yet powerful pie chart/graph with some simple data.

    Thanks in advance. :)

    Feb 14, 06:48 PM
    Well im at school so it would be using there power :) Do these tasks kinda lock the PS3 down for a specific amount of time or what?

    Got PS3 and my MBP running them.

    well i'm not sure, but i don't do anything else on my PS3 when it's folding. I stop the folding when i'm using it.

    glad you got them both folding! ;)


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