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  • coder12
    Mar 25, 11:13 AM
    I'm using Garmin Mobile XT on my Windows mobile phone--it's really really nice.

    Using maps on my iPad.... uhhhh.... not so nice :P

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  • Vegasman
    Apr 4, 01:46 PM
    I prefer to opt-in instead of opt-out.

    Sure. If that's what it takes, let's uncheck the box by default and let Apple provide the info to the publishers.

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  • DurnkPorduction
    Apr 26, 05:14 AM
    im still waiting for an app that tells me what kind of car im driving...derp

    or the woman I'm dating :D

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  • Benjy91
    Mar 23, 12:40 PM
    Now if this guy is not leaving to retire. Then RIP Apple. Seriously, if Apple thinks I want my computer to resemble an overgrown iPad then they can loose my money and I'll be buying an Alienware.

    Have fun with your Alienware, be sure to have a backup generator on hand for the 12,000 LED's that thing has.

    I hear battery life is 20 minutes.


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  • chris975d
    Nov 20, 01:29 PM
    You need to ask yourselves a questions: How these stores operating? and Why products end up there?

    Apparently, some authorized retailers overstock iPads or could not move projected volume, so they dumped some unsold inventory to Marshalls and TJMax, just to get some cash back, quick.

    Overstocked with iPads??? Not a good news for Steve.

    What is the issue here? iPads are sold in Walmart and Target and nobody complains.

    I think the biggest issue with it comes from the actual Apple authorized retailers. For instance, in my line of work (golf course management), I purchase golf equipment directly from the manufacturers (Callaway Golf, Nike, Titleist, etc). To be able to do that, I HAVE to agree to a minimum advertised pricing (MAP) policy, or I can't buy directly from them nor be listed as a retailer of that company's products (any retailer buying from directly from the manufacturer has to abide by this). If I then saw a major retailer (a competitor) advertising products that I sell for significantly lower than I am allowed to (knowing that all official retailers are supposed to be bound by this agreement to even sell the products as an "authorized retailer"), then I'm going to be pretty upset as to why I have to abide by it to get my goods, when either they (the competitor discounting said merchandise) aren't, or either they are getting a cheaper price (allowing them to sell for a lower price than me, yet still keep similar profit margins). And if they are in violation of this MAP policy, I'm going to damn sure be wondering why the manufacturer (in the iPad case...Apple), isn't going after them (telling them to stop, if they are an authorized retailer), or pulling their account. In the golf business, the manufacturers go hard after companies that violate this MAP policy.

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  • arnop
    Nov 15, 08:19 AM
    Can't wait for it ! Hopefully in January !


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  • diamond.g
    Apr 21, 09:57 AM
    REALLY? You're going to throw a 3 and 4 year old phone into the argument? Fine. How many old Android phones can run all the available apps. Heck, how many Android phones less than a year old run all the apps available?:rolleyes:

    I am in no way sticking up for Android. I think its fragmentation is worse than what exists on iOS. I was just pointing out that iOS is also fragmented, in its own way. To be honest, iPads can run every app available in the App Store, but an iPhone/iPod Touch can't (the gotcha that iPad Only apps won't run on the other devices).

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  • JAT
    Apr 13, 11:05 AM
    so as android phones accelerate the pace of innovation with lte, nfc, larger screens, etc. etc., apple decides to slow down the pace of innovation? what the hell is your problem apple?!
    Well, apparently their main problem is that you think rumors=fact.


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  • Macky-Mac
    May 4, 05:19 PM
    .....Can you honestly sit there and tell me that when we have in custody a high profile leader such as K.S.M. who has intricate, first hand knowledge of a terrorist organization that we should not do all that we can to obtain as much information from this person as possible? ....

    and what if experience has shown that these "enhanced" techniques actually produce less information than standard techniques? If you're interested in a discussion as opposed to simply defending "enhanced" techniques, take a look at the video at the link that citizenzen posted.

    And if reports are accurate, KSM actually pointed attention away from the courier in question with his responses under "enhanced" questioning. It took another informant to refocus that attention.

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  • iStudentUK
    Mar 20, 05:02 PM
    I'm from the UK, where capital punishement was abolished in 1969.

    I'm not trying to be picky, but I thought you might be interested to know that the death penalty was suspended in 1965, abolished for murder in 1969 and abolished totally in 1998. However, the last execution was in 1964.

    Here in the UK we would love capital punishement to be reintroduced, a life for a life as they say.

    Not sure where you got that from, I think you may be projecting? Did you know every Parliament from 1965 to 1997 had a free vote on capital punishment and always voted against it? If there was a public referendum I think it would be pretty close. However, the UK can't reintroduce the death penalty without withdrawing from the EU and the Human Rights Convention, so no Government would risk a vote on something that isn't a massive public issue.

    Most murders are in defence or panic, also a lot of pre-planned.

    This is where the public perception is quite wrong. In the UK you must cause the death of another, which is obvious. However, your state of mind is what people do not understand. In the UK you do not have to intend to kill someone to be convicted of murder, you can intend to cause GBH and be convicted. The majority of murders are convicted on the basis of intent to cause GBH. The offender never intended to kill someone, they only intended to cause serious harm. Although people convicted of murder are not usually nice people, they are not usually the monsters people imagine (family member works for Probation Service).

    Real case- man stabs women in non-vital area. Women would almost certainly have survived, but she was a Jehovah's Witness and refused a blood transfusion. The man was found guilty or murder- he caused the death and intended to cause serious harm.

    Real case- man chases wife out of house intending to harm her. Wife has heart condition that was undiagnosed and had a heart attack in the road outside the house. Husband guilty of murder.

    Taking the above examples, clearly these two were unpleasant people to say the least, but do they deserve the death penalty?

    Here in the UK the law is fail, 2 years for killing someone. No common sense here in the UK. :mad:

    Murder comes with a mandatory life sentence in the UK. The judge sets the minimum term before parol can be considered. The average lifer spends about 16 years in prison- bear in mind most lifers never intended to kill anyone. But remember- life does mean life despite what the tabloids say. The Probation Service meets with the offender for the rest of their life and assesses their risk. They cannot go abroad of move house without permission. If they commit any crime they can be recalled to prison.

    (Also why I don't believe in the "life should mean life" argument. The ability to monitor people for the rest of their lives once released is very beneficial.)


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  • Hls811
    Feb 26, 04:02 PM
    Not sure if anyone has a 16GB iPhone they'd like to trade for a 32GB Touch, but if so - let me know.. I'm interested!

    I would return the iPT but its just over 14 days (I got it on 2/9). I've got the box and everything inside. (all unopened!). Its been wrapped in a "bestskinever" since the moment it came out of the box.

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  • mikeschmeee
    Apr 21, 12:37 AM
    I got a chance to shoot a BMW Z4. I'm having a hard time editing the photos as the black just looks "crushed"? I'm not sure how to explain what I'm trying to say but I critique my photos a lot so basically I think this photo sucks but the owner thinks its good. (

    What do you guys think?


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  • Batman101
    Aug 23, 03:18 PM
    Dont think so.

    Can someone knows how to do it please help! Thanks

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  • McGiord
    Apr 8, 05:52 AM
    Trackball, jog-wheel, joystick, six face buttons and a button on each side for the pinball simulators. Hopefully all this and more for the iCade revisions and imitations to come.

    After that, the only thing needed will be a custom made table to ergonomically place the iCade at the right height.


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  • umar1234
    Mar 2, 11:26 AM
    I have herd that apple will soon be making more updates on MBP changing the Looks of the existing macbook pro they jus released on 26th feb 2008. Is dat true? cuz i wna buy a MBP now but i dont knw if i shud cuz what if they change the looks in june? If anyone has any information please let me know..Thanks

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 7, 11:16 PM
    Overpriced. These games are ancient and most of them don't offer much gameplay at all. Plus it cost atari essentially nothing to put this app out. If they made it $0.99 for the hundred pack then it'd be no-brainer, we'd buy it just for the nostalgia alone. I could conceivably see paying up to $4.99 for the hundred pack for the very small handful of games that are actually worth playing. But $14.99 for these junky games? No way.

    p.s., I'm not saying all old games are bad, quite the contrary, there are a lot of fantastic old games that still hold up well, but the atari era of games were especially crappy.

    There are two products:
    1. The icade
    2. The atari game

    You do not need one for the other.

    icade will be accessible by other game designers and is not limited to Atari games. Likewise, the atari games can be played without the icade.

    The price for the Atari games is not too bad and the icade will allow you to play these games and more in the future using the physical joystick and buttons.


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  • Beej
    Aug 15, 03:10 AM
    *Beej dances a happy dance*


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  • iThinkergoiMac
    Apr 18, 06:05 AM
    What does this have to do with MacBooks and Macs in general?

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  • iBlue
    Dec 27, 01:09 PM
    well it was made just like the original

    :confused: "old school" isn't a bad thing ;)

    Sep 26, 10:19 PM
    I think .Mac is great, and this sneak peek gets me a somewhat excited. Having said that, I thing the .Mac service needs a LOT of work. I mean let's really look at what it offers: a cool email ADDRESS "", full usage of the Backup app., secure iChats, groups, and iWeb publishing, and this for $99 a year. WOW!:rolleyes:

    Ok, listen! .Mac gets me about as hot and bothered as an egg salad sangwich, I got suckered into it about 2 years ago when Apple was offering subscriptions for a discounted price on the day after Thanksgiving. I remain subscribed and probably will as long as the service is offered but it is practically featureless in it's current form. You know what I really want to see first off .Mac apps like a .Mac iCal or maybe a .Mac TextEdit, how about new Fonts available only to .Mac members, and .Mac Widgets (like once promised). And then the price, the price needs to come down a bit maybe $59 a year.

    Apr 7, 05:07 PM
    How on earth would you play Defender on an iPad? Even with the iCade, it doesn't have enough buttons, does it?


    The 2600 version of it was a poor excuse for a port, mostly because all you had was the joystick and single button.

    Feb 18, 07:51 AM
    Is the "New Mail" Sound different in 10.3.8 then 10.3.7? I havn't noticed it, but I like it..

    Feb 5, 10:28 AM

    Apr 4, 11:21 AM
    Who needs a new iphone every year? Let alone every 2 years? I just got an iphone 4 and it's so much more advanced than certainly any phone that I've ever had (and probably more advanced than most phones out there), that I don't see anyone needing to replace it ever unless it brakes.


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